Hey Friends!
How are you hanging in there? I am in the midst of our state mandated “stay home order” and suddenly I feel the desire to attend a cycling class (don’t worry, I am CERTAIN that this desire will end as soon as the ban is lifted).
And, can I just say that, had I known that TJMAXX was going to be closed for this long, I definitely would have stayed a little longer the last time I was there. The thought off all of those throw pillows just posing there all alone, waiting for the perfect entryway bench to be its new home, breaks my little interior designer heart.
Oh, and it’s almost time for me to fill 4 Easter Baskets that I have yet to buy anything for….and stores are closed….that’s problematic. I am hoping that Amazon will pull through for me this year but even they are focusing on “essential” items only…With that being said, I think I could make a bonafide argument that Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs are an essential part of life. Anyhow, I did remember to get Easter Egg dye so that’s a win in my book!
In all seriousness, I do have a question for you mamas out there. Have you ever considered yourself an author?
I would venture to say that most of you would answer me with a resounding “no” and those of you who would say “yes” are probably thinking I am referring to writing a novel or something of the sorts.
Would you believe me if I said we are all authors?
We are the authors of our kiddos lives.
We are writing the script for what they experience while they are young and in our home. If it sounds like it is a significant job, it is. It is something that we should all take very seriously.
Twenty years from now, when talking about the time in 2020 when the entire world pressed pause, I want my children to look back and think about the memories we made.
They won’t remember the math facts they learned or how they memorized the 50 states and capitols that year, but they will remember how we spent our time.
Is this a massive amount of responsibility on us mamas?… um, yes!
But we are called and equipped to do this for our kiddos.
I am not saying that you can’t have a bad day or won’t want to crawl into your closet and eat a bag of chocolate covered pretzels by yourself (not that I am speaking from experience or anything)…but I am saying that we each have a duty during this time and it is one we should take seriously.
So, as the author of your kids lives, what do you want their story to be?
For me, I want my children to look back on this time as “the time that the world pushed pause” and many joyful memories were made.
My guess is that you want the same…so let’s do it!